Saturday, December 31, 2011

Free Spelling Activity

Mrs. Vensko created some great spelling task cards that I use during Daily 5 Word Work time.  I created some record sheets for some of these tasks.  They are free on my teachers notebook store.

Here is a preview of what you can download for FREE!

There are 9 pages included in the free download.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I've really been a bad blogger.  I have been giving all of my blogging energy to my blog on the Learning Forward Teacher Community.  Visit, scroll over e-learning and choose communities and click join our teacher leader community. There you will find tons of information for all areas and you will find my literacy blog. :-)  Hope you will join!  I should mention it's free!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Language Arts Activity

I like to teach my language skills with my morning meeting.  Many language skills can be taught in the morning message, but I like to get my kids up and moving.  I made a contraction match up activity.  You can find the activity on my website.
My website

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Can it really do that?

I use Google all the time.  Just today I was having trouble with Word and PowerPoint on my Mac.  I googled the answer and now it's fixed!  If something goes wrong and I need to try to fix it I always Google my problems.  If you like Google you're going to love this!  Visit the link below and ask it a question, type in a math problem... what ever you desire, it gives you the answer!  How cool is that?!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

That quiz

I am all about easy grading!!!  This site I happen to stumble onto during some protected professional learning network time... Again you can add your students and they can get on to take assessments. The accounts are free!  Sign up at

I'm here on the Mountain at the Arkansas Teacher Leadership Academy and I have learned about yet another resource.  This is a blog website that you can use with your students.  You add your students and start blogging.  The suggested ages for this site are elementary and middle school students.  :-)  Visit and sign up for your free account.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wall Wisher

One resource that I used with my students last year was wallwisher.  Wall wisher is an online sticky note board.  I posed a question and have the students add there response on sticky notes.  Check wall wisher out at

Thursday, June 16, 2011

One of my favorite resources is testmoz.  Teachers can create assessments on and the students can sign in to take them.  The tests can be multiple choice, true false, or fill in the blank.  The fill in the blanks must match exactly for grading purposes.  This resource saves time with grading and grouping.  The teacher can sign in as the administrator and the reports page will show exactly who missed what so that you can reteach to just a small group or one-on-one if needed.  Best of all it's FREE! :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Storybooks online

I have been scouring the Internet again and I have found a few more great sites that every teacher should know about.  This year I have been doing some action research on the effectiveness of using listening centers to improve fluency.  I did not have a huge selections of books on tape or CD.  I used some that I purchased from scholastic and other book stores as well as some that I borrowed from my librarian.  But these still weren't enough.  I have found some websites with free or almost free audio books.  Here are a few that I have found.  Have you found more?  Feel free to post and share!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Story Bird!!!

I have been trying to create an account at storybird since November.  I finally succeeded!  Wish I had been able to create this account earlier.  As an educator you can create an account, add your students, give them assignments with or with out a due date and let them go to work creating stories.  Names are kept private only able to be viewed by the teacher and other students in class.  Another great thing about it, they just added fundraising.  The parents can get online and order their books and the class earns $5 off of every book sold. :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


In preparing to transition to the Common Core standards I have been studying the lexile since I have used DRA levels.  I have found to be a very useful resource.  New to lexile?  Remember that the lexile levels are determined from syntax complexity and sematic complexity.  Appropriatness of text must be monitored.    

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Shelfari is a wonderful website that can be used in so many different ways. can be used to keep a personal reading list, an inventory of your books, you can do add friends and discuss books you have read.  You can have your students create a virtual reading log and write reviews of the books they are reading.  What about using it on the common core standard about writing opinion pieces in the review space the students can write their opinion of the book and state their reasons... 

 I use my shelfari as a sharing tool with other teachers.  I tag the books with what reading strategy or mini lesson I have used or could use that book to teach with.  I have not yet logged all of my books it really will be a summer project, but you can link your amazon account with shelfari and they will automatically load any new books that your buy!

So what is your favorite book?  What is your favorite book to teach with?  What do you like to teach with that book?

My hope...

I hope that you will find this site useful for ideas to use in your own classroom.  I first thought I would post some lesson ideas for literacy subjects to use espeically since we will be implementing common core standards next year and I know many of you will be also.  Now that I am getting up and going I am going to add to this many things that I use in my classroom and with other teachers that I work with.